A Mobile Garage Door Company

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Burien Garage Door Opener Replacement

Burien Garage DoorDid you try and raise or lower your garage door and notice the whiff of something burning? Are you sometimes hearing loud grinding or popping sounds when you try and operate your garage door? Your opener motor may be burning out and your opener chain may have snapped or become damaged. If you notice any of these indicators or if it seems like your opener is working harder than ever to do the same job, you are probably experiencing garage door motor problems. What should you do about it? One thing; call for help, fast! The more you use your garage door with a problem motor, the harder it will be to get the repair work done and you will probably be faced with a replacement job instead of a simple repair.

Q: Will I save money by repairing my opener motor instead of replacing it?

A: Yes, you will, that is if you catch the problem before it becomes too bad! Our Burien Garage Door experts recommend that you call us when you first notice a problem with your opener. It’s better to be safe than sorry and early action is always the best choice. A diagnostic service call is less expensive than a full replacement one so it’s always wise to be aware of any unusual smells or sounds coming from your garage door opener.
Q: Is it smart to have my opener serviced or maintained on a regular basis? Will this make my opener last longer?

A: Most likely, yes. Of course a lot of this depends on the general condition of your garage door opener at the time you call us. In most cases, regular garage door opener maintenance is a good idea and can extend the life cycle of your appliance. Lubrication along with motor and chain inspection can quickly find any problems that your system may be having.

If you suspect that your garage door opener is not working right you might check your remote battery first. Often, you can save yourself a service call by simply replacing a rundown battery with a new one. Also, frequent battery changes in your remote can make the terminals a little loose and this can cause them to not transmit power correctly. Check your remote battery and also the tightness of the remote battery terminals. Maybe the problem is not your opener motor at all!

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Call us Today at (206) 458-7376

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Burien Garage Door
